Tuesday, July 28, 2009

We put the Tea in Toyota

Hey our eager followers!!
So we have been slightly rebelious lately and have not posted anything for a while. Sorry I am sure that dissapointed all of you. But , do not worry this post will be extra long. So I think we left you with Tuesday night, how we walked to the disappointing Jusco and then we came back to the church and decorated it with paper chains and balloons, it looked very classy.

So, on wednesday was the first day of kids club and let me tell you those balloons were a hit. It is funny to watch how amused children are by balloons they like looking through them, and watching them float and hitting them, balloons are just loads of fun! So basically the kids were super great and yeah thats it. Duck duck goose was a big hit I must say, we defss played it for a solid half hour. So yeah, they learned how to say what their names were and whether they liked or didn't like certain animals and colors... at least, we tried to teach them. We learned that Japanese kids can make a baseball game out of wadded up paper scraps and house slippers and that they don't care if you can't speak Japanese as long as you are willing to play with them and soak them with water balloons.

Kid's Club lasted through Thursday and Friday, then Saturday we had a day off... so what do you think we did???? Walk to Jusco, of course!! Yes, that's right. We did it again, but this time, we took a new route to a different one, which ended up being way closer and way better. Before I get into that story I will tell you about our friday its luisa ps. So friday we went for dinner with these two amazing girls! They were 21 and were close friends. We actually didn`t know them before this dinner so it could have been really awkward BUT it wasn`t. Akina and Asami picked us up and took us to a nice dinner. Im sure your dying to know how them met right? Well in high school they were parteners on the athletic tennis table team. Yes pretty great we thought so too. ANYWAYS It was good time some good laughs great pair those two! Anyways I want to tell you about what we did after! So we went for ice cream at Baskin Robbins and had a long, indirect discussion about what to do that night... we were tossing around the idea of going bowling, but with one innocent question about an onsen, suddenly we were headed to the public baths.

Let me tell you a little about the onsen here in Japan. Japanese society is very interesting in that they value modesty so much in normal life, but they are totally okay with public baths and being completely naked in front of each other. Men and women go to different areas, you rent a couple of (really small) towels, and you strip down in the locker room and you go out into the bath area. First you sit down at a little booth and shower off, washing everything. Then once you're clean, you can go sit around in any of the baths that you want. There was a huge warm pool, and jet baths and a silk bath, and a shallow pool you could lie down in, and personal round tubs, and a cold bath, and a big warm pool with a TV... some of them were inside, some were outside and all of them were great. That's right, we tried pretty much all of them. We even sweated inside the sauna a little bit, just to try it. And all with two girls that we'd barely met and a whole lot of Japanese women that we didn't know from Eve (reference to Eve made on purpose). But honestly, we all loved it after we got over the initial awkwardness. Onsens are awesome and we're fans of getting a few back in North America... but our culture values privacy way too much to ever allow it, so I guess we'll just have to come back to Japan for them!

Anyways the walk to Jusco was a lot more fun for everyone, especially Kiara, who talked about Hilary Duff the whole way. Apparently she's cool again and who needs Hannah Montana when you have Hilary Duff? (Luisa loves Hannah Montanan and seriously shes way better but kiara likes Hilary) That was the basic conclusion we arrived at, I think. Anyways, Jusco was great this time around and we finally got it out of our system. Then on the way home, it started to pour rain!! Luckily for us, there was a dollar store close by, so we ran in and bought umbrellas for the rest of the way. Then that night, we were picked up and taken to shop again at a mall in a nearby city... unfortunately, we were all shopped out for that day, so we didn't enjoy the stores as much as we would've otherwise, BUT there was definitely a Coldstone in the mall and we definitely got some ice cream, which was sooooo good. Also, Japanese Coldstone employees rock, because THEY SING TO YOU WHILE THEY MAKE YOUR ICE CREAM! How amazing is that? We took a video.
Sunday, we were out of our house from ten fifteen straight until two in the morning... it was ridiculously busy. We went to church and were part of the service, singing Kid's Club songs with the kids and sharing our testimonies. Then we had lunch at the church and said goodbye to everyone. Then we left to go to karaoke with Suellen and Susan from church--- which was super fun! Then we went to a church member's family member's house to dress in yukatas (summer kimonos) to go to the festival in Toyota... which we immediately went to. It was so crowded downtown, so we didn't stay long. THEN we went to park and walk to see the fireworks down in a field-type of place, and THEN it started to pour down rain, again! So we got soaked in the yukatas, didn't see the fireworks, and went back to Jusco to buy some other clothes so we could go back to the onsen to relax, which turned out not happening... instead we were driven 40 minutes out to a game center in our awful mismatched outfits (Allison's was definitely the worst) where we played video games, ping pong, and took pictures until it was time to leave. Finally, we got to go back home and sleep...

Monday was sort of boring, blog-wise... we packed up, did laundry, hung it out to dry, walked to the post office, and cleaned the house. After we slept in, of course. It was sort of depressing, knowing it was our last day in Toyota, where we've had such great memories. We'll miss the people at that church, and all of those great kids.

now we are in Fujigaoka its great we just spent the two hours playing video games with our host family pretty great oh and we went to a tea ceremony and dressed in Kimono which were so pretty!! Kiara got a wedding one pretty awesome. We had some sweets again... not as bad pretty deece but cool thing was we got to do the whole serving tea to others like hardcore tea master even though we werent perfect kind of cool! anyways we stayed up way to late playing video games and we are kind of in love with this family. Its great.

WELL it night time

ps kiara`s eyes are like the sunshine so we are told!

well peace out Tea time


LUISA and crew yo
(even though i just finished this blog)


  1. hillary duff is ten times cooler the hannah montanna, lizzy mcguire and cadet kelly enough said

  2. ahaha lu, you would bring up Hannah Montana. glad to hear you girls are still having an unreal time! take care

    ps kiara, you're eyes are ok...

  3. Glad to hear you're having fun in Japan, and I look forward to hearing more when you get back home (at least from Luisa and Kiara...) Safe travels!

    Kathy from FGMB
