Sunday, July 5, 2009

Spiritual Warfare & Square Dancing

Since the first day, we've already had lots of fun experiences before we've even left for Japan. Friday, we learned a new drama to perform for the Japanese churches and shot off a few fireworks at night to celebrate both Canada Day and Independence Day... both national anthems were sung rather poorly, but with enthusiasm. Saturday we continued with our sessions and dramas, then buttoned up our plaid shirts and pulled on our boots for an evening of square dancing. That might sound hard or old-school, but it was the funnest thing ever! Our caller was hired for only two hours, but he was so disappointed when we had to quit after three and a half hours of dancing. Today's morning session was really thought provoking, talking about spiritual warfare and gave us a lot to pray about for our ministry in Japan and our own daily lives. The afternoon was a good chance to relax when we all went out river rafting, aka floating on intertubes and dinghies down the Roseau River. The rest of this week will be spent learning more specifics on Japanese culture and the ministry tasks we'll start preparing for... so expect more on that later!

Love to all,
Allison, with Kiara and Luisa


  1. I am praying that you as a team may allow for God to show you how wide and how deep and how long is the love of Christ for you and for the Japanese people.
    And know that God has called you as a team to join Him in shining His light in Nihon (that's "Japan" in Japanese). :)

  2. square dancing and water jealous. keep it up girls
