Friday, July 10, 2009

Konichiwa Japan!!

We are here in Japan! Our flights went well and never got lost in the airports... We went from Winnipeg to Chicago, then to Tokyo. That flight was 12 hours it was okay because we mainly slept! We had two meals with chopsticks so that made us feel like we were almost there. It was super exciting when we were coming in to Japan but our landing was shaky. We got on our next plane fine and the flight over Mount Fuji was beautiful. Mr. and Mrs. Abe picked us up from the airport and took us out for our first meal.. SUSHI. Which was surprisingly good, there was cool conveyor belt and a hot water tap for our macha tea. The chef there told us we were beautiful and wanted us to come back everyday! We are slowly getting use to the chopsticks we're getting there. We are staying in a amazing home beside the Toyota Church. We were greeted by sweet Japanese ladies who gave us a tour of the church. Then we went to bed eight pm never felt so late. This morning we started orientation with Doris. We had breakfst together, a devotional and shared our faith stories. After, we walked up the street to the 100yen store WHICH IS AMAZING. Then we bought groceries for lunch and the next day. Beside all the Japanese characters it wasn't that different just a few more fish. We walked back, cooked and mixed some noodles, vegetables, egg, crab, and ham for lunch. This evening, Doris's friend is coming to go out to dinner with us, so we'll see what kind of restaurant experience we'll get this time!

Sayonara for now!

Luisa with Kiara & Allison


  1. Awesome! Sounds like you have a good thing going already. Glad to hear you made it safe and are doing well. Haha you just got there and already are being hit on. :p Keep up the fun!

  2. I'm so glad that you are there safely and that orientation went well. It almost surprises me to say that I miss the two of you (sorry Allison, I don't know you), and I'm so proud of what you are doing and pray for you often.
    We just finished the extreme canoe trip yesterday and it was great, we had a lot of fun.
    Thanks for the great blog, I'll check back often.


  3. hello girls
    while you guys are in japan saving the world i just wanted to let you know that living on the edge was just great tonight.., yup
    milly and stephen beardy are dating... the world is upside down....


    What about Brooke????
