Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Turning Japanese?!?

Hey Followers... o gee,

Okay, so since our last post we have partaken in a few Japanese activities. Sunday we went to church and met a bunch of members at the luncheon afterwords. Thankfully a good amount of them could speak English... well not a good amount but enough... anyways so because of that we got to know them better. They have been really kind and found ways to fill up our time during orientation. After church we went shopping and talked with Nozomi, who we will be working with at her English school in a weekish. A major purchase me and Luisa bought while shopping were Yukatas,, which are summer kimonos.

Monday, we had a long meeting (3 hours) that was a little boring (well Allison doesn't think so, but I do). The meeting was just about what we will be doing at the different churches we will be visiting. One thing that was pretty hilarious that happened at the meeting was Luisa fell off her chair while a serious conversation was going on. Everyone ignored it, but me and Allison laughed and laughed, it was ridiculously awkard... which made it even more AMAZING. Okay, so moving on after the meeting we went to Asuke the "nature". It was really cool, it was like this old fashioned japenese village, it was surrounded by trees and little mountains. It was legit GORGEOUS. oh and there was a little fast moving river there that we almost fell in because of slippery rocks. Then we went out to dinner and ate 2 desserts, because we could and one soy ice cream so thats healthy so it doesn't count. Then something horrific happened while were sleeping that night. THERE WAS AN EARTH QUAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We barely made it out alive. Just kidding we found out about it the next morning and apparently it only lasted 2 secounds and apparently that happens alot in Toyota so whatever, we were still in an earth quake.

TODAY, was a pretty decent day... I wouldn't lie to you. In the morning we prepared for our ministry; planning games, songs, practicing drimes... it was a good time. Then, a couple ladies from church took us to the art museum in Toyota. It was pretty cool and deep... so I didn't get it... but Allison did. Then we went tea ceremony there. There was pretty little sweet shaped like a flower. It looked gorgeous but it was filled with red bean paste and tasted DISGUSTING.. I seriously almost puked because we had to finish all of it.. like really i could barely hold it back. But then things got better.... we went shopping!!!!!! The clothes in Japan were amazing and we had a great time shopping .. oh and the clothes are pretty affordable here so that made it even better. Then the two ladies who took us out got us these cute little gifts.. they were little japanese bags and cute barrettes... it was very much so enjoyed. THEN we went out to eat and it was CRAZYNESS. We went to a little restaurant that only seated us and we had our own cheff who cooked infornt of us its was sweet. So first he fried up some vegetables for us and it was good. But then he moved to crustations.... i have to say i dont enjoy eating shrimp legs.. but the meat was good. Then we had squid and scallaps which were both good. However, things went south when he whipped out the full fish eyes scales... everything!!!!!!!!! It was so nastyi could taste eyes and brains.. not fun, but we ate it... ik wasnt happy about it though. Then he killed eel infront of us... i have a video. He gauged out the eyes and cut him up and decapeted it... traumatizing much? yes. Then he fried up the spine and we ate it.. it tasted like bacon and then he fried up the meat and it was good. but the skin was on it so that freaked me out a little.. but thats okay. So yeah moving on then we had a calligraphy class and it was fun. We all suck but thats okay, no one who wasn't Japanese could tell. We learnt how to write our names in Japanese calligraphy which was great. So yeah thats all i need to say for now.


xoxoKiara (with help from Luisa and Allison)


  1. Ha Luisa would fall off her chair, and at least the food is nice and fresh even though the whole traumatizing part of the destroyed eel

  2. Hey girls! :)
    i cannot wait to see these kimono's. i should have one from my cousins wedding a while back ill try and find it so i can photoshop myself in the background somewhere along your journy's. sounds like you guys are havin fun.


    keep fit and have fun!

    - hal johnson and joanne macleod


    Just plain Kevin :)

  3. "But then he moved to crustations..."
    "it tasted like bacon"

  4. Coolest update so far! lol. I really like your storytelling Kiara, so GREAT that you EMPHASIZE the IMPORTANT words. Just teasing! :p It sounds supa-dupa over there! Even the bad parts sound like a good experience.

    And I have to agree that Luisa is very typical, even in Japan. Haha love!

    Keep on truckin'

  5. hey Darlings!
    i am so glad to here you guys are having an amazing time! it sounds so much fun!
    Kiara i can't wait to see this video of the choping up of the eel!!
    lu....doesn't surprise me! :)

    Love you! xoxo
