Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Breakin' the yoke in YOKohama

Okay, so we have a few days to catch up all you eager followers up on. Let us begin our journey of the past few days on Saturday. The day after Friday. Okay, so on Saturday we had a luncheon at the church in Yokohama. The point was to give the attendees a chance to speak English with native speakers and share our testimonies in small ways. We showed pictures from home-- great fun! Many of you reading this were probably talked about that day. We met some cool people, we played some games with English, and answered a lot of questions about our cultures and homes. AFTER, we went to the park and played with little kidlets. Megumina-oka church has been going to this park once a month for ten years, playing with the local kids and sharing a little gospel message with them, inviting them to their church. So we helped out this weekend and played with bubbles-- which I think we enjoyed more then they did-- to attract the local kids. Then we did a skit which ended up being kind of over their heads and had to be explained in detail... so that sort of flopped. But a few kids ended up being interested and came back to the church with us later to see where it was and eat some snacks.

That night, we took the subway to a church member's apartment for dinner and to watch the fireworks for the summer festival in Tokyo. That's right. We watched fireworks for an hour and a half in TOKYO! It was awesome. The next morning was church. I was super brave and shared my testimony in front of church. Then we all got up to do the "special music" together. Let's just say that it was really special... our guitarist was fabulous... we hoped that our bright smiles made up for our less-than-professional voices. At least we tried... After church, we had another luncheon with young adults and university students. It was really fun to talk with them about what they like to do, and they asked a lot of questions about Canada and the States. Leaving Yokohama that afternoon was hard; we all talked about what we'd learned that weekend on the shinkansen (bullet train) back to Nagoya.

Megumina-oka is the only MB church for the whole Tokyo-Yokohama area, a church with about 40-50 members with over 28 million people living in that area. Our eyes were opened to the overwhelming need for missionaries in that area in particular, but Japan as a whole, too. Less than one percent of the population of Japan is Christian!!! We sat and talked about how we realized our missions trip is different than if we had gone to a developing country. Japan's looked at as a rich country, not really needing people to come help because they aren't poor. But actually, they are impoverished spiritually. In Tokyo, there's at least one suicide everyday. In poor countries, people are hopeless because they have nothing. These people are hopeless because they have nothing but a life focused on work and being successful. Our mission here is clearly focused on the people and evangelism, we realized.

Monday we helped Nozomi with the Kids Event for her English school. Moose. Okay, so due to popular demand I Kiara am going to take over post writing. Okay so the event at the school was lovely, before it began we met Wendy, who was pretty much the coolest 28 year old I have ever met. She had a great Jurassic Park hat, which really made me take her more seriously. So, the event began and 40 some kids came strolling in. We sang songs with them, made crafts with them, did a skit, said a story...and played simon says, but Lu went so fast that the poor non english speaking kids got so confused... so mean. Then we played some games outside, which was a good time. By the way Japanese girls take their dodge ball very seriously, they don't stand back they are intense and put their game faces on. It was a little intimidating, I was out in the first 2 minutes, it was a little upsetting. Okay, so it was a good time and the children were cute and great and awesome. Then we went out to dinner with all the people who volunteered for the kids event. We had these interesting sea food pancake things... they were not like anything I had before, the pancakes were alright but we got to make our own cotton candy and shaved ice.. that was sooooo much more exciting. Okay, I just thought I would tell you about that dinner since we like to talk about food so much.

So we were dropped of in Toyota last night. We are back home it is sooo exciting. We slept in till around 11:00 today and I was pretty pleased about that. Then we had a short meeting with Mariko about all that we will be doing in Toyota. Then after that we went to the I-Mall. We ate ice cream, I got maple wall nut, I was pretty pleased with that. Then, we got some groceries... but I am not going to go in depth of all that we bought. But I will tell you this we bought Calpis, which is a drink and Mariko told us what it sounded like, that cracked me up a little bit. I think you guys can use your brains and figure out what it means. By the way I like drinking Calpis, Calpis tastes really good. When we got back we needed a refreshment and we thought Calpis would really quench our thirst. Then we went on a journey, a long eventful life rendering crazy wonderful blash kazoom bam distasteful JOURNEY. Lu will take it from here, ennjoy!!!

SO, this long eventful life rendering crazy wonderful blash kazoom bam distasteful JOURNEY was to ... our favorite store JUSCO!! WHICH WAS SUCH A DISSAPOINTMENt. At first. we walked about an hour just to get there! all alone to Japan yea were rebels. So that was a blast and haft not going to lie. We got there finally after crossing the Golden Arches; going over a big bridge; past the toyota stadium and over a fence which allison didn't like but it was such a smart idea! she still doesn't think so. So as we crossed the street at the big crab castle we saw the big JUSCO sign and got real excited! To our dissapointment it wasn't a big one and their was not much there. It got so upsetting that we had to eat our sorrow away with McDicks. and more ice cream, yea we were way happier and ended up getting alot more after that point. Including awesome watch me and kiara purchured, you should see them they are pretty ballin. Evenually we left and walked ALL the way back after walking ALL the way there and doing ALL the shopping that we did. It was ALL around a good time! On the way home we talked about movies so I could probably tell you all about two movies I've never seen!

ANYWAYS so we still had to decorate the chruch for tomorrow when we got back. Which was around nine, and there were people there! We hustled over as fast and we could just to do it. we did it. It looks great. So now we are writing this way over tiered so i will just say some great points from tonight just to end this off.

"tricky ricky"
"high buns"
sorry excuse Luisa, she doesn't know how to spell finger... It is late
"put your feet up"
"One slap to many"
"No I dont want no scrubs"
"Peter pan invented Wendy.. true story"
"lets G-O go pal"

Okay, so there are some mildly funny jokes. But it is rather late here and I am hearing some random sounds in this empty church, which I'm not going to lie, is a little sketchy. So we are going to B-counce of Bzounce. Or go away. Bye

Written by the some what talented,
Karabou, Al Pal and Tlulu bear


  1. i love how with out even reading who wrote what parts i could just tell!
    sounds like you guys are having a blast... which we all knew you would. :)
    can't wait to hear more!
    i miss you and i love you! ♥ :)

  2. That's the truth eh Karly. And jumping the fence, can't say I'm surprised.
    Stay safe, still praying.

  3. Hi Girls! My name is Amberly and I'm another MB missionary in Osaka. I know Doris really well and actually met with her today. I have been praying for you guys and was hoping to meet you in Toyota when Doris was there but it didn't work out with my schedule. It sounds like you are having a great time in Japan! I love reading your blog! It's so fun to hear the things that are interesting, discusting and exciting for you. I've been here for a few years so some of the newness has worn off, but I'm reminded of all the quirky things when I read your impressions. It's also so neat that you are discovering the need for evangelism in Japan. You are right that even though Japan is a developed country it is spiritually impoverished. I hope you will take this realization home with you and share this need with people at home. Anyway I will be praying for you the next couple of weeks as you have kids club. I wish I had a chance to meet you. You can also check out my blog, although I don't know if it's as interesting as yours! www.japamberly.blogspot.com
    By the way, I love your description of Wendy! She always cracks me up! I'm glad you were able to hang out with her!
    Take care!

  4. I was totally just going to write what Karly wrote. I can actually hear Kiara's voice as she writes. Luisa's too. Allison, well I don't know her so....that's where it ends.

    Miss you girls!!


  5. wow lu you totally write like how you speak its wonderful lol :P. You seem to be scaring and messing the lil japanese kiddies up though lol. and i can totally see you struggling with fingers lol. and repeating it to yourself each time with a little higher voice at the end of each time like "thats it! come on guys!" lol anyways im glad to hear all is going well, nice to see your faces in the pictures :) hope to hear from you soon.

    your very own mississippi girl,
    Kevin Turner
