Thursday, July 2, 2009

First Day!

So, Today we met....Allison picked up Luisa and I and we visited the Forks. We showed Allison around the Forks we ate burgers and drank smoothies and altogether had a lovely time. Oh and Luisa wanted me to say that we took our first team picture at the top of that building at the Forks. Then we strutted * Luisa wanted me to say that word* to the "finger" bridge. If you don't know what that is it is the bridge that has a restaurant with a finger on top. Anyways, we had a lovely ride to Gretna and appreciated our lovely prarie land and the big skys alot. We also had some team bonding and spoke some Spanish, Luisa is really starting to pick up spanish her favourite phrase is "yo no se", which for all you English speaking people means "I don't know".

We soon arrived in Gretna and Allison and I go a handi cap room, so its really big and it makes us feel special. Luisa's roomate moved out unfortunately so she is now alone, but that is okay. We then ate supper and met other participants. There are 6 other teams. There are two teams travelling to The Democratic Republic of Congo, there are two teams travelling to Mexico, a team going to Brazil and a team going to Lithuania. altogether there is just about thirty participants, so it is a pretty small group. We had our first session tonight and first team meeting and after spending a whole day together we can still stand each other, which is a good sign. Oh and by the way our vocabulary currently exists of these words ; sophisticated, vocabulary, fit and legit! Okay so that's good.


Peace to All

Kiara. with help from Allison and Luisa


  1. Congrats on a succesfull first day. Proud of you guys already, and you haven't even begun. :D

  2. "Lovely" post Kiara, sounds like you girls are havin' a time already. Can't believe I just said that, Jayne brainwashed it in my head.

    adios! spanish right?

  3. I LIKE READING THESE!! makes me smile :)
    im rather jealous tho because you get to change the world!

    hope you are indeed, changing the world!

    muchachas del ya del amour <3
    (love ya girls)- spicy espanol


  4. YES i knew havin a time would HAPPEN!
    become CHOPSTICK pros :)
    時間がありなさい (have a time)
